Lyanda is out of town, so Claire is stepping in with a guest post:
This week my mom was away and I had to make cookies with my dad, to get ready for a Halloween party. Scary! We decided to make cat and pumpkin cookies. We used a recipe from my “Look And Cook” cookbook, and found a cat-shaped cookie cutter, which was perfect for Halloween.
The whole baking part went wonderfully and the dough tasted delicious. When we cut the cookies out it seemed like they needed eyes. We tried using sprinkles but they were too small. Then my dad suggested using the only dragees (little round cake decorations) we had, which were red. That seemed like a devilish color for cat eyes, but they were Halloween cookies, so I said sure. My dad had already started with the eye placement with his needlenose pliers, because the little dragees were hard to handle. I got to work using pliers on the cat eyes. Creepy!!!
The scariest part of this whole story might be thinking about what mom would have said if she had seen the kitchen. She would have screamed so hard they could hear her in Kentucky (or at least it would have been quite blood curdling)!! It looked like a mad science experiment had blown up (with dynamite!)!
When we cooked the cats, we noticed some creepy trouble. Their red eyes were melting (ooooooo, scary)!
Still, in the end the cat cookies ended up pretty yummy, and everyone at the Halloween party is gonna love eating Zombie Cats!!!!